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Next Steps

Get on the pathway.

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:14

Faith is a journey. God wants us to know him and to become more like Jesus - how He lived and acted. It isn't about a list of rules to follow. It is about making choices that lead us toward Jesus. This doesn’t come instantly! It happens over time when we take one step toward God, and then a next step, and so on. No matter where you are in your faith journey, everyone always has a spiritual Next Step to take.


God is a hand-crafter, not a mass producer, so your Next Step might look different than everyone else’s. The church’s part is to provide opportunities for you, your part is to take that Next Step! At New Hope, we’ve organized those next steps activities into the pathway below. 

3. Chat with a pastor or elder
2. Connect 
Use the fellowship time to meet
people and find your next step.
1. Come Experience
It is vital to worship Jesus on a
regular basis with your church
4. Serve
Use the spiritual gifts God has
given you in order to build up
the church.
5. Invite Others
Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives to church and into a relationship with Jesus.
6. Make and Be
When New Hope's God-given mission becomes your reality: the way God calls YOU to make and be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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